Wednesday, 27 August 2014

The Dressing Room Fusion is looking for MANAGER


What we need from you:

- to prepare collection 2 times monthly
(organize set up, making collage from pictures for blog, sending away notices on our groups, adding pictures to flickr etc.)

- finding guests designers (we get around 3 applications daily)

- taking care of TDR blog, plurk and facebook.

- reminding designers about rent.

- creating contests, events etc.

- looking for new advertising options.

What we offer:

- 9200L$ monthly (20% of rent payments)
- TDR products for free
- help, replacement i collection in case u cant be online on set up day
- new SL adventure

The skills needed:

- photo shop (to make collage and other simple things)
- fluent english
- knowing blogger platform, being able to create post.
- a bit of knowledge about sl building tools
- be able to use SL viewer (search, groups etc)
- good contact with people.
- you must be serious person and have a bit of free time!

If you are interested please send a notecard to Linka Demina (in world). Notecard should be called TDR Manager-your name, and including....

- Avatar Name : ................
- Male/Female : .................
- Your country: .................
- Your Avatar age: ..............
- Your SL experience: ..............
- Why you want to be TDR manager: ...........
- How much time weekly you spend online (SL):..........
- Do you have all the skills we need from you?


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