7 days passed, 7 days left. Visit F U S I O N, dont miss over 60 discounts.
Great designers, best prices (40-70L.) Look at the picture, all products we have for you right now.
News!!! My Ugly Dorothy + Le primitif = guests. 40-70L. = Highest Quality.
Hair, skins, clothes, jewlery, shoes = full avi look.
Where? TDR Fusion.
How long? 14 days.
How many products? Over 60.
C O M E !
7 days passed, 7 days left! Did you see what we have for you this time? Our products cost 40-70L. Awesome brands, very good quality, fashion trends. The Dressing Room Fusion! Ps: please remember to re-join our subscribo group, we lost part of the customers accidentally.
This time we have for you really amazing collection! You must see it! Almost 70 discounts! Best designers, Milk Motion, Paper Bag, Lagyo, Essences and many, many others.
Guests! Prices? 40-70L.
Ps: please re-join our subscribo again, we lost part of customer's list by accident. Sorry!